• Mon-Fri: 13h - 21h
    Saturday: appointment
  • City Kvart L3-9
    Podgorica, Montenegro

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Does Chiropractic Treatment in Your Clinic Entail?
    Chiropractic treatment involves manual techniques focused on correcting the alignment of the spine and joints, with the goal of reducing pain and improving function.
  • What is the PRP Method?
    PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) is a technique that uses the patient’s own blood to stimulate tissue regeneration.
  • What Does Physical Therapy Include in Your Clinic?
    Physical therapy includes individual exercises, electrotherapy, and manual techniques to improve mobility and reduce pain.
  • Is Dr Nenezić a Certified Expert?
    Yes, Dr Nenezić is a certified physiatrist-acupuncturist and chiropractor with many years of experience and training in the latest treatment methods.
  • What is Pain Mesotherapy?
    Pain mesotherapy uses microinjections for the local application of medications, effectively reducing pain and accelerating recovery.
  • How Does Cellular Matrix Therapy Work?
    Cellular Matrix combines your platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with hyaluronic acid to regenerate tissue and reduce inflammation.
  • What are the Advantages of an Integrative Treatment Approach?
    The integrative approach combines the best of conventional and traditional medicine, allowing for a holistic treatment that is tailored to the individual needs of each patient.
  • How to Schedule an Appointment?
    An appointment can be scheduled by phone or through our online platform. We recommend consulting with our professional team to determine which treatment is most suitable for you.