In the world of sports, where the body is subjected to intense efforts, sports injuries are inevitable. At Dr. Nenezić Polyclinic, we understand the importance of quick and efficient recovery, so athletes can return to activities in optimal form.
Acute injuries occur suddenly, often due to a strong impact or improper movement. Examples include sprains, strains, and ruptures of muscles and ligaments.
Chronic or overuse injuries result from repeated movements and continuous stress on certain parts of the body. Typical chronic injuries include tendinitis, knee ligament injuries, and bursitis.
Internal causes can be previous injuries or poor fitness, while external causes include inadequate equipment and poor training conditions.
Standard treatment methods include massage, kinesiotherapy, electrotherapy, thermotherapy, and hydrotherapy. Each of these methods plays a key role in the recovery process.
At Dr. Nenezić Polyclinic, we offer regenerative PRP therapy, which uses platelet-rich plasma from the patient's own blood. This therapy is effective in accelerating the healing of injured tissues, especially tendons and cartilage.
Our expert team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care to athletes, whether it involves the diagnosis and treatment of injuries or regular sports examinations. Our approach is individualized, using the latest medical advancements for optimal results.
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